Thursday, October 6, 2011

So excited... (:

Today, I'm gonna go shopping with mom at KLCC... Although there is not much thing for me to browse there, but it's still something to do better than sitting at home. Actually, the main reason I headed for KLCC is to buy a reference book named Sucess science PMR. I can tell you that book is so hard to find. I tried to look for it at 3-4 bookstores but there isn't even one!!

Aww.... Hope I can find the book at KLCC Kinokuniya... Hehe... Other than that, I still can buy another shoes if I spotted the right one but not too expensive...

I'm so excited... I can't believe I'm going out after 3 days locking myself up in the hous... Maybe gonna try Jun Ren's POKKA GREEN TEA too...

Kays, let wish I got the book and the pair of shoes...

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