Thursday, December 29, 2011

Bye 2011~~ Welcome 2012~~ :D

Byeeee-ing 2011 and welcoming 2012 in just a couple of days, which pasts faster than you think in the holidays. Hmmmmm, talking about 2011, it has really been a whole lotta change for me....

At the beginning of 2011, or maybe I should say end of 2010, I've been something like a #badass. Maybe I think I feel like one. Results are not that good, and I'm not working on anything at all. Looking back to it, I really feel so Down D: When I went to see which class I'm going next year, I noticed there's just a few friends from my previous class is in my future class. WOAH, that really let me down abit. Hmmmmm, and that time, I don't really know Nicholas really well. HAHA, but all thanks to that 2011 class list, I'm much much much more closer to him and he seems to be the reason I'm picking up myself. HAHA, so I'm gonna say a thousand "Thank You" to him here. Lets give Nicholas a round applause. LOL :P

2A4. HAHA, it's one of the best class in my life. Can you really imagine of a class that can suddenly get close in just a few weeks? Hmmm, honestly, in the beginning, I really HATE this class. You know, there's some really noisy pals out there and it's some kinda disturbing the class. But But But, when I know them better, I noticed they have some really unique sides. It's hard from the outside, soft inside. Sooo, you just need to get to the soft side.

2A4 is a craziee class you can't think of. We have running around, playing catching, Magik Cards, Wine, and all sorts of special moves call "melee" that causes quite alot of pain to the receiver and etc etc. :P We may not be the best class in the school, but we're the only class that has a farewell partiee for Sher Zanne and all 2A4-ians for giving each others such a wonderful year. Regrets we just start to know each other after the last exams (Fate's like this), but we had a really fun time although it is short.

And another thing that leaves a rainbow in my life is I finally got a phone that I like lol. Previous phones were all chosen by my parents so I just use, use, use and use till accidents happen to the phone like fell in the washing machine, lost it etc etc. Hmmmm, so yeah, I've been drooling over my friend's phone for months lol. And now, I got what I want, *And I want more*. Anyway, we must appreciate things we already had, not drooling for more, so I stopped drooling. *wipes off saliva* :D

And I had a few crush this year, and hmmmm, I should say at least I tried. #feelslikeahero for trying :P And sometimes when you're stuck in your life, try doing it all over again and you'll find the right solution. And stuck in your life doesn't stops your life. You just need to untie the knot and everything is back in a piece. *Till now, I still can't find the solution* Hmm, maybe I should just cut the knot off and let go both. :D That may not be the best solution, but it's the only solution I think.

Yeah, and just exactly a month ago, I went out with some 2A4 friends. Hmmm, only 13 showed up instead of 40. Gahh, nevermind, we still have some super fun time there. This reminds me of me myself counting like a baby, and dumping someone and having him calling a thousands time to us and someone dropped the phone when Ethopia called. Woah, I think I can't really forget these things that happen...

Kays, so it's a day or more then it's 2012. What should I say about 2012? Maybe I'll just wish everyone to be healthy and happy, and for my friends, all the best getting straight A's in PMR, and GOOOOD LUCK!!! :D

Saturday, December 17, 2011

iPhone 4s

OMGOMGOMG, iPhone 4s is out... Aww man, why am I still a student? If I'm an adult or something, I can work for an iPhone... Haha, but nevermind, I'll go get the latest iPhone when I'm REALLY adult. HAHA.

So yesterday, when I finished badminton, and I was on my dad's car and I talked really much about those phone things and he said lol, these phones is unnecessary for a student, if you want one, work harder in your studies and get one in the future. o.0, I was like "Umm. okays". Haha

So this holiday is the worst holiday I'd ever had. It's so boring( All holidays are boring) And there is just a gathering only, in 1 1/2 months, and I cant see my school mates and friends, that sucks alot. And Samuel is planning really hard for another gathering but school reopening is closing and all I can say is GOOD LUCK. :D:D:D:D:D:D

Hmmmm, so that's all for today. Aww man, I feel so lazy updating my blog in the holidays. GAHH, holidays makes me lazy. :D:D

Friday, December 9, 2011

Life huh? :D

Wow, ok, ignore the blog title. Lol, i'm just having some depression lol. I went for dinner with my uncles and aunts just now. I don't know why they brought me to a restaurant which don't even look like one. Aww, I admit, the food there was ok, but those food there 'gave' me a terrible stomachache. OMG, I can tell you, stomachache is the last thing I wanna experience in my life. My stomach was like a car engine, moving up and down non stop.

Sometimes, people tell you that everything happens for a reason. And at first, I don't quite believe it, but now, I can tell that this saying is ABSOLUTE correct saying. Like sometimes, something bad happen just because something good is waiting behind. After a storm, it always comes a rainbow.

So we should be optimistic and face our life with some hope daily. Life can't be perfect, but at least life can be good. Of course sometimes we face some problems at seems to be no solution, behind that problem, there is a thousand solution. And now, I'm like finding the best solution to solve my problem... *What's my problem?* Haha, sometimes life can be devastating, but on the other side, life can be rewarding. :D

Sunday, December 4, 2011


OK, ignore the title... I dont know what to put for the title lol. I went to Tanjung Sepat, a SMALL fishing village in somewhere lol. I went there with my family just to consume some of my boring time in the holidays.

I reached there at 12pm, I'm so late. Then we went to a Passion Fruit Farm and just hang round there and bought some Passion Fruit Drinks. It's some kinda fizzy and my mother says it's oxides or something, lol. Next, we went to a restaurant for some DUCK PORRIDGE. Did you heard duck porridge before? I just had some Prawn and used the WiFi there... Lifeless me...

After that, we went to the jetty, lol. The beach was dirty and covered with rocks. It was some kinda swamp there. And we walked on some planks. lol, it was so OMG scary with those bikes zooming round there and it was just like 1.5 metres wide. WTF.

It's some thing like this beside the FREAKING bridge called "Lover's Bridge".

It's so narrow. LOL, goosebumps.

See that? It's just made out of planks. WOAH!! -[]-

And I went to some Coffee Factory?? HAHA, the owner there was SUPER DUPER friendly. Haha, and he showed us the coffee beans and the way how to fry them. When I went into the factory, I smelt so coffee. My dad says those villagers nearby don't need to drink coffee, they just need to smell some. Haha, their coffee is (Y)

This is the FRIENDLY owner. HAHA. :D

And we had dinner at OCEAN seafood restaurant. We had 6 crabs. LOL, those crabs are really small in size. But their meat are (Y)(Y)(Y)(Y). And we went to some house of a father of some kid and bought fishballs!! We bought 250 fishballs and gave some of them to my neighbours and my mothers friends. Hehe, there was millions of fishballs lying on the table when I dropped by. LOL.

And that's almost everything, haha, maybe I should get into some kampung life. lol, No thanks, perhaps one day trip. HAHA:D