HI GUISE. wow it has been a long time (maybe a tera-second) since I updated this blog, woops.
Exams, ended with a question mark in my mind because I wasn't even in school to witness the moment of freedom, but I'm sure that people would be like
and I'm sure it's quite interesting to watch.... but I'm gonna be there next time.
The ending of exams, marks the beginning of a whole new era (holidays) which is like jackpot for students because never expect students to love lessons *apply fake smile here* woah looking at the things on the list waiting to be done, I don't expect my holiday to be those boring type. Assignments, meeting new people, and camp and outing and projects woo life is awesome. To be honest, I'd prefer to do these than homework (i'll still do my homework) but assignments are like a gazillion times funner and useful than homework.
Oh ya, I'm really happy because idk but meeting new people is like one of the best things in life. In life, we meet so many people we may not get the chance to talk to all of 'em, but then, if you really take some time to talk to them and stuff, you'll realize alot of things you don't know about them and yourself. and if someone talks to you first, it doesn't mean that they're desperate for someone to talk to/spend time with, so never act like your perfectly fine with yourself because getting a new friend is too much better than getting a foe.
Thoughts, are good. Sometimes we think about how we should be, how we should speak to people, and how we should reach everyone's expectations which is harder than diamonds. Instead, I think we should take a second or two to consider what we really want to achieve in life. To make decisions completely on yourself, that's life. No one is gonna be there to guide you for your whole life, so just make decisions like you're living for the last day, do what you want, and just be happy. We all live to be happy ay? :)
Stay Cool People ;) xx