Wednesday, May 30, 2012

HoLiDaYs :P

It's a long long long long long time since I updated my blog. Sorry for the waiting (if anyone is waiting). Sometimes I just feel so lazy to update the blog, BUT, today I'm gonna be PRODUCTIVE. Omg, everytime I think about PMR and stuff, I get super stress and I don't have the mood for anything else. Well, Eu stress is all I need? (I learnt that from PJK, so idk whether there's this word or something) Just a lil fact bout me: I buy exercises every year but I end up stuffing them together and reproduce with the dust, and yet i'm still practicing. Who knows that may bring a little luck?

I promised myself I won't spend more than half an hour on this post *productive* I wanna do some geography cause I always study that at the very last second and I'd never got an A for geo. This is worrying me. Alot of things worry me lately, everything seems quite nice and I dont know I dont know! I've dreamed of myself getting 7 B's in PMR. AHHH MY HEAD CRACKS INTO PIECES WHEN I THINK BOUT THIS. I hope this doesn't come true if not my life is OVER, O-V-E-R.

HAHA, holidays holidays. Great time for improving myself! which i should but I just can't find the thing to start me. If you ask me how's my holiday, I can't say it's the best holidays, but it's still great. At least I can hang out with my phone non stop and call somebody and do things i like. And sometimes I have that insecure feeling? I should stop thinking bout it and be myself. I still miss my previous class, my present class? well, it's just okayyy. No match for my previous class.

And this time exams, I've missed Dark Shadows, MIB*cube* and yeahh! And I was expecting a gathering after the exams but there's not even a suggestion from anyone. Well, maybe this means we should throw our heads into books and study our heads off! Hope I can improve my results this time, but my average marks? NEVER EXPECT TOO MUCH FOR MY AVERAGE IF THERE'S ART AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION IN THE EXAMS. arts and physical education, you'll always beat me. But at least spare me some marks?

So long for today! I will update once more before school reopens! Cya guys! :D Good luck for everything and everyone! :D