Friday, March 9, 2012

Exams are OVERRHHH

After a week plus of stressful and hectic week, the exam has finally came to an end. Well, the results are not out yet, but hopefully I won't be disappointed. Fingers crossed! :p Maybe I think that this exam is not the best exam I had in my life, hmm, cause it's full of stress and disappointment from some of the subjects I think I'll ace in. This exam? Hmm, maybe I'll rate it a 3.5 over 5? Anyway, we should see the results first! And to YOU, my results! I'm not afraid of you. SO DO BRING IT ON!

After all these difficult, mind twisting and brain consuming exams, we finally have a week of holidays, which doesn't make much different to me, especially when I wake up at 10-12pm. But it's still a holiday and hope I can enjoy myself and try to stay alive? HAHAHA. Sorry, I'm talking too much rubbish heh! :p

If someone asks me whether I have a plan for this holiday, hmm, maybe not much, but there's still something to carry out! haha, what is it? I'll keep that as a secret:p Deep inside my mind, this plan is a sure fail plan. So maybe a miracle? We shall see! :D

And finally, my phone bill is under control and I have achieved a win win situation! Well, and lastly, hmm, you're realllyyy cuteeeee and hahahahaha. DOT DOT THREEEEEEEEE AND LESS THAT THREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! LESS THAT TREEE LOL:P HAHA. So long guys! :D