Friday, February 17, 2012

Exams :DDD

Helloo guys! It's been quite a time since I updated my blog. Apologies:D And the exams are just round the cornerrrr, and some subjects has a slightly different format. And yeahh, as usual, lessons have been going as usual and I knew some new friends and teachers are okay except for some teacher who wasn't doing her job perfectly. And of course you can't except too much. And some teachers are really funn like my geography teacher. Honestly, it's a (N) when I first see him because his attire was not that interesting, but his lessons are seriously FUNNNNNN. *Maybe he does spend too much time dressing himself and spends those time preparing his lesson* >.< And he's good.

It has already been 2 months already since we celebrated the New Year 2012, and things have been going quite well and yeahh, got closer with some friends and some friend has been acting super weird and I don't know why. HAHA, but nevermind! Morning session has really gave me alot of free time *maybe too much* and I'm like craving to stay back and hang out with my friends*close one*. I won't like to hang out round my weird friend more than an hour lol:p

And 2012 has been a completely new year for me, new teachers, new friends, and everything neww I think. HAHAHA. And when I'm doing homework, it never gets too boring because I've someone to text! :D Amd I think it has been 3 months hahhaa. Good news:D And she has really been helping out quite a lot and THANKS ALOT!!! *You-know-who-you-are* HAHAHA

And that's all for this time. Reallyy sorry for those who check out my blog and found out that it's the same post again. HAHAHA. And I think 2012 will be a EXCELLENT year for me and everyone! :D Good Luck guys!!! :D

Monday, February 6, 2012

Weird huh? o.0

OMG, I'm so weird. Ermm, yeahh, for the past three days, I went to Penang for FUNN lol. HAHA, and undeniable, food in Penang is (YYYYYY) ahhaha. And I went there just for foood and abit of shopping as there's nothing much to do there. Loads of temples and church, cool beach, and niceee people. It's a nice place to spend your time.

And I missed a '2A4 gathering', that's the hard part. And I got some really weird feeling heh. Maybe I SHOULD REALLY REALLy attend the next one. Ughh, maybe I shouldn't feel like that and yeahh, ok, cheer up myself. HAHAHA.